Today is my Birthday! It's the perfect day to share BIZ NEWS.

It's been a very interesting year so far, wouldn't you agree? Today, I proudly celebrate another trip around the sun (my 57th!).

It has been a very creative time over these last eight weeks, and I am beyond grateful. I've been keenly focused on the growth of my business, as well as implementing a big goal that I believe will help increase the success of my students and clients.

I notice that although many aspiring and emerging authors are ready to commit to writing and publishing their book, many others are hungry for knowledge and want to learn all they can about the pathway to publishing: how to acquire a toolbox filled with navigational strategies to write and publish books as well as create brands and build businesses.

One of the most important anchors I hold true to is offering clients and students a personalized, human experience - unlike any other publishing company. People doing business with people and for the benefit of other people. Oxygen embodies excellence,...

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