CREATION CHRONICLES: What a year this week has been.

Life Writes Extraordinary Stories...doesn't it? 


Just last Wednesday, I was enjoying the company of my second guest at my 3rd Become an Author with Ease by the Sea Elite Author Retreat in Venice Beach, Florida.  What I had imagined and created months ago was showing up in my reality; a full-house, sold-out private event. 

And while I wasn't paying attention, with an ocean at my feet, peace, calm and creative energy abound, (a reflection of my personal mindset), the outside world was bathing in the emotions of fear. I was completely oblivious. 

I soon understood that all I had learned, practiced and taught about mindset mastery would be called into practice.  I would not allow any of the outside world to influence making smart decisions. I packed up early and traveled safely home.

The good news? A period of self-quarantine with an opportunity to be massively productive. 

“If there has ever been a time in history to take...

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