How I flipped the script about Black Friday

It's that time of year...again

Black Friday is upon us. I want to take this opportunity to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating in my U.S. community.

Best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful holiday filled with blessings in abundance. We all have so much for which to be grateful.

In Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October, but Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing has become the norm here as well.  Every year around this time, as I prepare for the coming year, I reflect not only on the speed of each year passing but on my key takeaways in retrospect.

This year has been a banner year in so many ways. For example, on this day last year, my mom was stable; I didn't know she would pass away four days later, on December 1st. If I were to choose the most significant thing that stood out for me in 2019, it would be the lessons I've learned about PERSPECTIVE.  So many things that I thought would move in one direction didn't, and the polar...

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