Webclass Wednesday LIVE! Abracadabra! The W5 Magic Questions

 Begin with the end in mind.

“You must imagine yourself right into the state of your fulfilled desire...the world which we describe from observation must be as we describe it relative to  ourselves. Our imagination connects us with the state desired. But we must use imagination masterfully, not as an onlooker thinking of the end, but as a partaker thinking from the end. We must actually be there in imagination. If we do this, our subjective experience will be realized objectively. This is not mere fancy, but a truth you can prove by experience...the secret is thinking from the end. Every state is already there as “mere possibility” as long as you think of it, but is overpoweringly real when you think from it.” ~ Neville Goddard
Awakened Imagination © 1954. The Search © 1946. Chapter Two, pp 9-10. Devorss & Company, Publisher, USA.

 Coming up next on Webclass Wednesday Live! ...

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