SOUL-FULL SUNDAYS: Reflection and inspiration for the week ahead.

Happy Sunday everyone. I hope you enjoyed a SOUL-FULL day.

Sunday evening is a great time to tap into the feeling of living each day with a little more soul-full intention for the week ahead.  It is said that when we know better, we do better, and by taking a few moments at the end (or beginning) of each week to review, reflect and refocus, we are using our thoughts mindfully to ensure we remain the captain of our own personal navigation system.

This week I was fortunate to meet an aspiring author who believes very much in his story.  During our call, he expressed regret about the "time it has taken him" to get to this stage of development of his manuscript.  This is such a common feeling to have when we have an expectation based on our own sense of time.  We interpret a pressure from within, and give ourselves permission to believe the lie that somehow we've in some way procrastinated, or taken "too long" to write.  I believe there is no such thing as...

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